Becker Patrol Pack and Ruger GS Scout

Becker Patrol Pack and Ruger GS Scout

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Standing Room Only

Many moons ago I was very lucky to take a class from a very wise woodsman named Mors Kochanski. The things he was able to do with a knife were amazing to me. He had a smallish wooden handled knife that he worked to death. I thought for sure he was going to smash that thing into a hundred pieces the way he beat on it. That knife was the now famous Mora. I even saw him drive it into a tree and stand on it.
  Now if you can take a $10.00 knife drive it into a tree and stand on it shouldn't you be able to do that with a much more expensive custom? I think you should. Some people do not share my view on this. I really don't care. For me this is a pretty standard test for almost every knife I have tested. Enter my Sargent Model 1.

  No real need for explanation. I beat it into a tree and put all 200lbs of corn feed Iowa goodness on it. Test passed.